Neurovanna- Your SIBO Expert

What is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)?

Normally, most bacteria in the digestive tract are found in the large intestines. In fact, the large intestines can contain up to 17 times more bacteria than the small intestines. 

When too much bacteria or too much of the wrong kind of bacteria is present in the small intestines, an individual is said to have SIBO. This increased bacterial load results in microflora imbalances with excessive levels of fermentation and inflammation. This leads to classic symptoms of SIBO including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain among others.

Hydrogen and methane gases are produced by fermenting intestinal bacteria, absorb into the bloodstream and are expelled from the lungs when we exhale. The measurement of these gases allows breath testing to assist in the diagnosis of SIBO and sugar malabsorption disorders. Glucose/Lactulose are used as challenge substrates for breath tests identifying SIBO.

Download our patient brochure to learn more about the symptoms and associated health concerns of SIBO.

What is Malabsorption

Malabsorption identified with a breath test refers to the body’s inability to properly digest and absorb certain sugars like lactose, sucrose, or fructose. When these sugars are not properly digested, they do not properly get absorbed and result in excessive fermentation in both the small and large intestines. Hydrogen and/or methane gases are the byproducts of bacterial fermentation. These gases are absorbed into the bloodstream and exhaled through the lungs, which is measured with a breath test. Elevated levels of these gases indicate a state of  malabsorption. Breath testing is a well accepted tool in the diagnosis of lactose, fructose and sucrose intolerance/malabsorption in addition to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Assess and address gut bacterial activity improve patient outcomes

Neurovanna offers non-invasive lactulose and glucose breath tests for the assessment of SIBO. Our lab was created by SIBO practitioners, for SIBO practitioners

SIBO and Malabsorption Webinars

Join Dr. Bradley Bush a naturopathic doctor with an expertise in SIBO as he breaks down the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical aspects of SIBO.

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Introduction SIBO part 1: What, Why, and How to Test

This is the first webinar in a three-part series covering the essentials required to properly test for SIBO. Dr. Bradley Bush describes the physical exam findings of patients commonly presenting with SIBO and explains how to incorporate breath testing to properly assess SIBO activity. The preparation diet, interfering factors and tips to improve the patient testing experience are also covered.

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Introduction to SIBO part 2: Test Result Interpretation

The second webinar in a three-part series covering the essentials required to properly test for SIBO focuses on understanding the hydrogen-methane breath test results using lactulose and glucose challenge. In this webinar, Dr. Bush discusses how to incorporate breath testing to properly assess SIBO activity and how this may change your treatment strategies.

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Introduction to SIBO part 3: Treatment Protocols and Personalization

In this third and final introduction to SIBO webinar series, Dr. Bradley Bush discusses treatment protocols and tips to personalize SIBO treatments. During this lecture, he reviews treatment protocols involving herbal and prescriptive antibiotics as well as diet changes and the elemental diet. Dr. Bush also discusses prokinetic treatment options and ways to improve digestion to reduce SIBO recurrence.

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SIBO-Liver-Estrogen Dominance Connection

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a disorder resulting in common gastrointestinal complaints. It is also a major clinical factor affecting estrogen metabolism and one of the root causes behind premenstrual symptoms, states of estrogen dominance, and possibly polycystic ovarian syndrome. In this video, Dr. Bradly Bush discusses genetic connections between estrogen excesses, anxiety, and SIBO.

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SIBO Masterclass with Bradley Bush, ND

In this master class hosted by U.S. Enzymes, Dr. Bush discusses what SIBO is, what role digestion plays, and what people do wrong.

Request Your SIBO Expert- Bradley Bush, ND

As a healthcare provider with an active practice, Bradley Bush, ND has directly diagnosed and treated thousands of patients for SIBO and many other complex health conditions. He has assessed thousands more through his laboratory director position at Neurovanna, making him well-versed in all aspects of SIBO. He is also well-practiced in speaking with diverse audiences including patients and other healthcare providers.

Do you have a group with whom you would like to share more about SIBO or malabsorption? Dr. Bradley Bush is available for webinars and other speaking events.

Please use the form to inquire about availability.

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